I’ve noticed that we’ve had a problem lately where a pod is served multiple times in a week, while other pods go un-served. Sometimes this is unavoidable due to turn-out in the pod. In that case, the pod gets the benefit of two services in a week! More commonly, it is due to lack of communication between the volunteers, where a volunteer will do a service in a pod because they don’t know it was already served that week. The Summary Table is intended to help solve that communication problem.
To make the Summary Table easy to use (I hope), I added a page on the website that describes how to use it, and how to put a short cut to it on your smartphone or tablet (if you have one), so you don’t have to remember the web site – it appears like an app on your phone. The page is under the ‘General Info’ menu in the website header. Here is a link to it: https://www.youvisitedmedphx.com/how-to-use-the-summary-table/.
It’s not required that you use the Summary Table, but it is there to help you.